Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Open Drawing

Continuing on with the idea of gesturing with clay I attended the Open Drawing night that the art department holds every Tuesday night.  It was really interesting testing my ability to shape out forms in just a matter of a few minutes, even seconds.  I became more comfortable with the gestures as the night progressed.
My first pieces were gestured in only 30 seconds.  Before I would begin a pose I would prepare my space with numerous balls of clay at different sizes.  This made it easy to whip out coils and make for a faster approach at the pose.  As time was extended I found myself making more conscious shapes with the forms.  I still kept the time in mind for a gesture to start off the figure but then sculpted more details.

30 seconds                                                          1 Minute

5 Minutes

I worked with my figures up to 20 min tonight.  I found this an adequate amount of time for a gesture sculpture.  For my last figure the model was sitting down in a chair.  Sculpting this piece I began with a cylndar shape of clay.  I began to carve out the shape of the model.  This was very interesting to work this way.  It brought a different feel/thought to the process of completion. 

20 Minutes

Doing this tonight helped my idea process a bunch.  I think now I have a direction for my first project.
This was by far one of the most difficult blogs to arrange!  I somehow managed to get it to look alright.  Enjoy!! :D

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