Friday, May 25, 2012

My first week in the capital city of Wisconsin, Madison!

Hello all!
If you haven't heard yet, I accepted the Motion Intern position at Planet Propaganda in Madison, WI.  Its been a week or so since I've moved in.  Before the big move, life got a little hectic to say the least... 
About a month ago I picked up shifts at a Micheal's arts and Crafts.  Only two weeks after I obtained a cashier position there I interviewed with Planet Propaganda.  The interview was short and sweet and needless to say successful.  I am over joyed with this opportunity.  Although things may be overwhelming at the moment now that I am here, I am sure they will turn around soon.
My first week in Madison has been tiring but exciting nonetheless.  Starting Monday morning I began an in depth job search.  I have walked about 8-10 miles around the capital, campus and everywhere in between.  Applying and interviewing has been my job this week.  Hopefully next week I will have it all figured out.  I have had a great week meeting new people and learning new things.  I have seen many things happen this week that have brought all sorts of emotions.  I believe the my first afternoon on State street involved me seeing a bike to bike crash, protesters at the capital singing all together, a homeless man being arrested and a crow attacking a smaller bird.  Don't worry his friends were there to save him :)  So far, I'd like to say it has been a pretty eventful and exciting first week in the city I will call home for the next year or so.  I am excited to spend more time with my best friends and meeting new people.
I begin my internship next Tuesday morning.  I can't wait to start!  I am really excited to begin designing and animating once again!

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